We encourage you to keep up to date with your attendance in CAPS Online, entering and submitting attendance in a timely fashion. However, if you have a child who was added to your CAPS Online account later than their start date or you get behind in claiming attendance, you can enter attendance for up to six months before the current service month in CAPS Online. These months are available in both Daily Time Entry and Weekly Time Entry.
Please be aware of ACS's 6-month Attendance Policy here: Effective July 1, 2022, child care attendance, including corrections to attendance, must be submitted by a child care provider or program within 6 months after the month of service to receive payment by ACS for subsidized children enrolled with the child care provider or program. If attendance is not submitted within those 6 months, the child care provider or program may forfeit payment for those services. (full policy: https://on.nyc.gov/3vtfipE)
Weekly Time Entry
From the Weekly Time Entry page, select "Attendance Month," and you'll see the available months of attendance appear in the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the screen (image 1.1)
Image 1.1
If you are using a mobile device, the screen will display the months available once you select "Attendance Month" as the category to search by (image 1.2).
Image 1.2
Daily Time Entry
You can also use Daily Time Entry to enter attendance from 6 months prior to the current service month. If you click on "Daily Time Entry," and then click on today's date, a calendar will appear, and you can click back (using the small arrow to the left of the month) to select the month you want to enter attendance for (image 1.3).
Image 1.3
If you are using a mobile device, the screen will display the calendar on the screen once you click on today's date (image 1.4).
Image 1.4
Monthly Attendance View
From the Monthly Attendance View page, select "Attendance Month," and you'll see the available months of attendance appear in the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the screen (image 1.5).
Image 1.5
If you are using a mobile device, the screen will display the months available once you select "Attendance Month" as the category to search by (image 1.6).
Image 1.6