CAPS Online was designed and developed to satisfy a directive from OCFS for NYC that by October 1, 2020, ACCIS would have a program to collect time-in/time-out attendance data from childcare programs and providers that serve subsidized children.
The CAPS Online attendance system will help to ensure a standardized method to track the time for children when care has been authorized. The system will satisfy state requirements including that a provider eligible to care for subsidized children maintain daily attendance records including date of attendance, arrival and departure times, and notation of full-day absences [18 NYCRR 415.12(a)(2)]. State social services law requires, “Such care may be provided only in cases where it is determined, under criteria established by the department, that there is a need therefore because of inability of the parents to provide care and supervision for a substantial part of the day and that such care is in the best interest of the child and parent.”
In addition to satisfying state requirements, this system will help to increase accuracy in recordkeeping as well as faster payments to you since monthly submissions are electronic. You can access the system with a computer, tablet, or Smart phone device.