The page limit option in User Profile will permanently increase the number of visible records on the screen when you’re in Placement Roster, Daily Time Entry, Weekly Time Entry, and Monthly Attendance Submission.
If you have more than 10 children enrolled, you'll be able to increase the number of visible records in increments of 10: 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50. This can be changed at any time by clicking on "User Profile," then adjusting the "Page Limit" by selecting a number from the drop-down menu and clicking "Save." [Image 1] (Note: you will not see the row limit change on attendance pages unless you have more than 10 children enrolled in your care.)
Image 1
As seen below, the row limits will now be increased to your new default limit on Placement Roster (Image 1.1), Daily Time Entry (Image 1.2), Weekly Time Entry (Image 1.3), and Monthly Attendance Submission (Image 1.4).
Image 1.1
Image 1.2
Image 1.3
Image 1.4